WHEREAS, the Department of
Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management (HRIM) in the Lerner College of
Business and Economics has offered a successful program for the BS in HRIM
offering students skills for successfully operating a hospitality business, and
WHEREAS, HRIM has received
many inquiries over the last several years from individuals who are interested
in pursuing careers in the hospitality industry, but not in the operations
area, and
WHEREAS, HRIM has proposed
Hospitality Industry Studies major, which will offer an alternate route for
students to pursue careers with specialized skills in the support areas of the
hospitality industry, such as Sales & Marketing Management, Internet
Marketing, Information Systems,
Transactional Advisory Services, Revenue Management, etc., and
WHEREAS, the existing
undergraduate program in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management already
provides a majority of all the courses and administrative framework for such a
degree, and
WHEREAS, the proposed major
contributes to one of the milestones on the University’s “path to prominence”
to achieve excellence in professional education; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty
Senate recommends provisionally for five years the approval of the
establishment of a new Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Industry Studies.
WHEREAS, in fall 2009 an external review team evaluating the Fashion and Apparel Studies Department recommended a more consistent naming of graduate programs in the department , and
WHEREAS, a name change will provide branding consistency with the name of the department and is broader and more inclusive of the focus of the program;
WHEREAS, the name change has the support of the Graduate Studies Committee; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves a name change
for the Master of Science in Fashion Studies to Master of Science in Fashion
and Apparel Studies, effective July 1, 2011.
WHEREAS, the University’s Path to Prominence has articulated a vision with primary initiatives focused on “Premier Graduate Education and Research,” the “Initiative for the Planet”, “Global Initiative,” and “The Engaged Univesity,” that are to be supported by expanded interdisciplinary collaboration and entrepreneurial efforts, and
Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies is an interdisciplinary department
with strong ties to the social sciences, business, and design, and which is
also deeply engaged with sustainability and international initiatives, and
WHEREAS, the Department of Fashion and Apparel
Studies seeks to continue the excellence of its undergraduate programs in
apparel design and fashion merchandising, strengthen its collaborations, and
deepen its graduate education and research, and
WHEREAS, the College of Arts and Sciences strongly
supports graduate education and research and includes a range of departments
and strategic initiatives with which there are potential opportunities for
collaboration with the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies, and
WHEREAS, the Department of Fashion and Apparel
Studies seeks to further its global impact in the fashion industry and with its
other stakeholders, and
WHEREAS, the department has agreed to submit
undergraduate curriculum change proposals in the academic review cycle 2010-11,
so that undergraduate requirements in the current Fashion Merchandising and
Apparel Design degrees will be reconciled with undergraduate requirements in
the College of Arts and Sciences, and
WHEREAS, the Fashion and Apparel Studies faculty
have unanimously voted to join the
RESOLVED, that the Department of Fashion and Apparel
Studies will move administratively from the College of Education and Public
Policy and become a dynamic and contributing member of the College of Arts and