14 April 2011


Coordinating Committee:


The Graduate Studies Committee has reexamined the permanent status of the Master of Science in Health Promotion.  The program was evaluated for permanent status in 2007.  Despite the number and the quality of the graduates, the internal and external high evaluations, and the overall strength of the program, permanent status was not granted. The program had not achieved the interdisciplinary goals envisioned when the program was established.  The original program director, Michael Peterson, has been appointed department chair, and he has been replaced as program director by Elizabeth Orsega-Smith.  The program is now interdisciplinary, and has continued to grow.


The Graduate Studies Committee recommends that permanent status be granted to the Master of Science in Health Promotion without another external program review.  The single largest deficiency in the interdisciplinary character of the program has been addressed.  The Program Policy Statement, a letter from the chair supporting this decision, and a resolution are attached.






Robert L. Opila

Chair, Program Studies Committee