Faculty Handbook: Proposed Changes

The proposed changes to the Faculty Handbook, focus on work in rank for promotion and tenure. The following changes

(additions in red italics) are recommended to be included in the following (existing) section of the Faculty Handbook.



Promotion & Tenure

Promotion Dossiers




On recommendation of the Faculty Senate and approval by the administration, "faculty members at all ranks should be subject to periodic reviews at reasonable intervals of time." The recommended intervals are at least every two years for instructors and assistant professors, every three to five years for tenured associate professors, and every five to seven years for full professors. These reviews are to be conducted by duly established committees of faculty. ………

……. Appropriate administrative officers may make independent evaluations within the review process……

……..Upon completion of the review, the faculty member should be apprised of the results. Faculty members will shall be required to include their two and four year contract renewal reviews as part of their dossier for promotion and tenure; this should include the evaluations or reviews conducted by the established committees of the faculty and by the corresponding administrative office (e.g., department chair).

Promotion & Tenure

Promotion Dossiers

It is the individual's responsibility to present the best case for promotion since he or she is most clearly involved in the outcome. It is extremely important that the dossier be well organized and carefully prepared because superfluous or confusing information may obscure more than it enhances one's qualifications and achievements. Unless otherwise noted in the faculty appointment letter, all work in rank, even if conducted at other institutions of higher education, will shall be considered for promotion and tenure. It will shall be the faculty’s responsibility to include evidence of this work in his/her dossier and to clearly identify when and where this work was performed.

All dossiers should be organized under the following headings in this order:

        I.            Introductory Material

                              A.            Contents and Guidelines

                                                      1.            Recommendation for Promotion Form

                                                      2.            A table of contents

                                                      3.            A copy of the University, college, and department promotion and tenure criteria

                              B.            Application for Promotion

                                                      1.            Candidate's letter requesting promotion

                                                      2.            A curriculum vitae

                                                      3.            Candidate's statement (optional)

                              C.            Two and Four Year Reviews for Faculty Seeking Promotion to Associate Professor

                                                      1.            Reviews conducted by the corresponding department committee

                                                      2.            Reviews or evaluations conducted by the department chair


                              D.            Internal Recommendations

                                                      1.            The department committee's recommendation

                                                      2.            The chairperson's recommendation

                                                      3.            College committee's recommendation (if any)

                                                      4.            Dean or director's recommendation or endorsement

                                                      5.            University committee's recommendation

                                                      6.            Any appeal materials (appeals and rebuttals)

                              E.            External Recommendations

                                                      1.            Letters of evaluation from peer reviewers together with supporting material. These letters will be numbered sequentially for reference.

                                                      2.            Candidate's statement (optional)