Whereas, the University Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure is charged with recommending to the Senate University-wide policies and procedures relating to promotions and tenure and shall advise the faculties of the colleges and departments and the President of the University on the formulations of these policies,



Whereas, the number of faculty have grown in number yet the membership of the University Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure has not increased in correspondence to the growing number of faculty



Whereas, the University Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure also considers the cases of promotion of faculty in non-tenure track lines


Be it therefore


Resolved, that the University Faculty Senate Committee on Promotions and Tenure membership be increased from 6 to 9, with one member at rank of associate or full professor in a CNTT line. The CNTT member will only be able to vote on cases for promotion for CNTT faculty.