Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Faculty Welfare and Privileges (Evelyn Hayes, Chair) with the concurrence of the approve a resolution of the University of Delaware Faculty Senate etc...

WHEREAS,           Currently, the  faculty have no right to file a grievance and therefore, no right to due process, access to information, or review by the Faculty Senate, if put on leave  against their will in an emergency situation, because the University of Delaware has no policy on Emergency Involuntary Leave and;

WHEREAS,           The proposed policy only applies to situations where, on the basis of observed conduct, there is credible evidence to believe that the individual has engaged, is engaging, or is likely to engage in behavior that represents an imminent danger of harm to self or others; and

WHEREAS,           To protect the safety and security of all students, faculty and staff, the University must be able to quickly respond to emergency situations; and

WHEREAS,           Under the proposed policy the Vice President has a maximum of 24 hours after imposition of an involuntary emergency leave to explain the need for the action and must before the end of each seven day leave period, justify the need for continuation of the leave through a formal review procedure in which the faculty has the right to participate; and

WHEREAS,           It is in University’s best interest to protect the reputation of individual faculty members; be it therefore

RESOLVED,          that the Faculty Senate endorses the proposed emergency involuntary leave policy, and will review the policy if and when changes are proposed by either the FWP or the Administration.