Proposed revisions to the 1) Composition and 2) Termination and Complaint Procedures

of the University Faculty Senate Committee on Faculty Welfare & Privileges

Recommended by the Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate




Proposed revisions to Composition of the Committee on Faculty Welfare & Privileges (FWP):


1.       The Committee on Committees and Nominations (COCAN) will appoint the chair of the FWP Committee.


2.  Only tenured faculty members are eligible to serve on the Committee.

Proposed revisions to the Termination and Complaint Procedures of the Committee on Faculty Welfare & Privileges.  These proposed revisions involve only Complaint  Procedures; they do not change Termination Procedures :


1.       No member of the Committee may serve as a mediator in a Complaint.


2.       Any employee of the University of Delaware, except those employed in the Office of the General Counsel, may serve as an advisor or observer in a hearing involving a Complaint.


Background:The University Faculty Senate Executive Committee (EC) reviewed the composition of and the procedures to be followed by the Committee on Faculty Welfare & Privileges (FWP) in the mediation and hearing of faculty complaints.  Based upon that review the EC has the following recommendations:


1)      In past practice, the chair of the Committee on Faculty Welfare & Privileges has been decided internally by the Committee.   In a review of procedures on the selection of committee membership, it is COCAN that should appoint a chair of the Committee on FWP.

2)      Only tenured faculty should be eligible to serve on the Committee.  In past practice, an assistant professor has served as a member on the FWP.  However, in most cases they have not participated during hearings and have not voted on opinions.  This non-participation is in recognition of the potentially sensitive nature of a non-tenured faculty member taking a position that could be contrary to that of the administration, or to that of tenured faculty that could in the future serve on Promotion and Tenure Committees.  To maximize the number of committee faculty that are available to participate in complaint hearings, the EC proposes that only tenured faculty serve on the FWP.

3)      No member of the Committee may serve as a mediator in a complaint.  In past practice,the chair of the FWP has served as the mediator in complaints.  In following procedures,if the mediation fails, the chair of the FWP serves as the chair of the hearing in which she/he will be responsible for determining all procedural questions and objections raised at the hearing and determining the admissibility of evidence.  The chair then has input into the advisory opinion(s) generated by the committee.   To avoid any perceived conflict of interest, the EC believes that the chair of the FWP, as well as other members of the committee, should not be intimately involved in the mediation process.  All members of the FWP, including the chair, should participate in the hearing without having access to the details of negotiations involved in the mediation process.   

4)      Any employee of the University of Delaware, except those employed in the Office of the General Counsel, may serve as an advisor or observer in a complaint hearing.  The EC is concerned of the unequal access that faculty and administration have to the legal expertise provided by the General Counsel’s office.  To help ensure a fair process, neither the initiator(s), nor the respondent(s) should employ representatives of the General Counsel’s office as advisors or observers in a complaint hearing.  Note that this does not apply in cases involving non-renewal or termination. In other cases that the Committee deems appropriate, advisorsor observers may be employed in the Office of the General Counsel or any non-employee of the University of Delaware.

Proposed modification to the Faculty Handbook:

NOTE: In the modifications, strikethrough is text to be deleted; underlined is text to be added

From Section 1: Organization of the Faculty

1.3Standing Committee System of the Faculty and Its Senate


This committee is charged to develop and review general policies in the areas of reappointment, dismissal, faculty evaluation and appraisal, academic freedom and other areas of personnel policy and conditions of faculty employment, and to prepare recommendations concerning such policies for transmission to the Trustees through the faculty or its Senate, and through the President of the University, in accordance with Trustee Bylaws.

This committee is charged with jurisdiction over faculty complaints which are not grievances as defined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Procedures for mediation and hearing of complaints are detailed in "Mediation and Hearing Procedures" which was approved by the University Faculty Senate April 6, 1992 and is maintained in the office of the University Faculty Senate. The committee's decisions on complaints are presented as advisory opinions to the University Provost.

This committee shall consist of seven faculty members, one of whom shall be designated chair and one of whom shall be an assistant professor. All members of the committee must have tenure.

Nothing in the charge to this committee shall be interpreted as overriding the Collective Bargaining Agreement or the laws of the State of Delaware governing collective bargaining. (Rev. 4/6/92)


Proposed modifications to the Committee on Faculty Welfare and Privileges Termination and Complaint Procedures. These proposed revisions involve only Complaint  Procedures; they do not change Termination Procedures:

NOTE: In the modifications, strikethrough is text to be deleted; underlined is text to be added





The Faculty Constitution charges the Faculty Senate with the right to delegate responsibility to and charge Faculty Committees. The Faculty Welfare and Privileges Committee (FWP) has jurisdiction over all faculty disputes pertaining to faculty termination, reappointment, evaluation, salary adjustment, sabbatical leave, fringe benefits, academic freedom, and other areas of personnel policy and conditions of faculty employment.

All Facultymembersare within the jurisdiction of and are subject to the procedures of the FWPFaculty Welfare and Privileges Committee.

The procedures for termination of a faculty member's employment are different from the procedures for other disputes. Termination procedures grow out of andare derived from andgoverned by the termination policy set forth in the Faculty Handbook, Section 4IV. They are set forth in "Termination Procedures," Section I below.

The procedures for handling all other disputes within the jurisdiction of the FWPCommittee on Faculty Welfare and Privileges are specified in "Mediation and Hearing Procedures," Section II below. The FWPFaculty Welfare and Privileges Committee may refuse to consider a complaint in two instances:

  1. if the Committee determines that the issue is not in its purview;
  2. if the matter under dispute is deemed insubstantial by a majority of the Committee after the Initiator(s) has(have) followed the steps outlined in Section II-C.

I. Termination Procedures – NOTE:  NO CHANGES PROPOSED

II. Mediation and Hearing Procedures

A.     Definitions

For the purposes of Faculty Welfare and Privileges Committee (FWP)procedures as outlined below, the following words have these specific meanings:

B.     Procedures

C.     Procedures for the Hearing

If the Committee agrees to hear the Complaint, the Initiator(s) files with the Committee and the Respondent(s) an expanded written Complaint which specifies the charge(s), reviews the evidence, and includes the remedies sought.

Within ten Working Days after the date that the Initiator(s) file(s) a Complaint, the Respondent(s) shall file with the Committee a Response that, at a minimum, indicates whether the Respondent(s) deny the Complaint.

Within 15 Working Days after the Initiator(s) submit the expanded written Complaint, the Chair shall conduct a short Pre-Hearing Meeting with Initiator(s) and Respondent(s). At or before this meeting, any Party may raise any questions about procedure, the scope of the Complaint, the role of advisors, or any other procedural matter. At the meeting, the Chair shall:

                                                                                            i.            Fix an expeditious and mutually agreeable time for the Hearing; reasonable efforts being made to schedule the Hearing within 45 Working Days of the Pre-Hearing Meeting.  Such Hearing should not be scheduled for a date greater than 65 Working Days after the Pre-Hearing Meeting;

                                                                                          ii.            Review Hearing procedures, including the Parties' obligations, the roles of advisors and observers, the rules for submitting documentary evidence, and possible limits on the number of witnesses;

                                                                                        iii.            Set deadlines for submission of documentary evidence and names of witnesses to be called;

                                                                                         iv.            Identify advisors and observers selected by the Parties and;

                                                                                           v.            Tentatively name the Hearing Panel, pursuant to any Party's claims of conflict of interest under Section C-3-b or other cause for excusing a Hearing panel member.

d.      Witness Lists

Parties shall submit the names of witnesses to the Committee within the time agreed upon in section c-3 above. The Committee shall make the names available to all other Parties immediately. If the Committee decides to call additional witnesses, it will immediately communicate their names to all Parties.

i.     Parties shall submit documents to the Committee at least 10 Working Days before the Hearing or lose the right to submit documents. Within 5 Working Days after receipt, the Committee shall make all documents available in the Senate office to all Parties and the Provost, and to no one else.

ii.    All documents shall be submitted in duplicate with one set being original documents if at all possible. All documents shall remain in the possession of the Committee. If original documents are in the possession of someone not a Party to the Hearing, then the Committee may request the submission of any such documents for the purpose of making a copy of such document which shall be regarded as if original. If original documents no longer exist, then copies may be accepted, subject to verification where possible.

iii.   All documents and correspondence received by the Committee that relate to a Hearing, or to an attempt at Mediation that precedes it, shall be made available by the Committee to the Parties to that Hearing, to the Provost, and to no one else. Parties may not remove original documents from the Senate Office, but may make and remove copies. Items made available shall be considered confidential and shall not be communicated to anyone not a Party, advisor or observer.

The Initiator(s) and the Respondent(s);

                                                                                            i.            One advisor selected by each Initiator and one advisor selected by each Respondent.  Advisors shall be employees of the University of Delaware; however, employees in the Office of the General Council are prohibited from serving as advisors;

                                                                                          ii.            One observer selected by each Initiator and one observer selected by each Respondent.

                                                                                        iii.            The members of the Committee and supporting staff;

                                                                                         iv.            Each witness during his/her testimony.

It is the responsibility of the Committee and its support staff to arrange hearing space and maintain records of the Hearing.

                                                                                            i.            The Committee Chair or his/her appointed representative shall serve as Chair of the Hearing. This Chair shall call the Hearing to order, determine all procedural questions and objections raised at the Hearing, and determine the admissibility of evidence.

                                                                                          ii.            All Parties, Advisors, Observers, and members of the Hearing Panel shall be identified for the record.

                                                                                        iii.            The record shall include both the Initiator(s)' Complaint and the Respondent(s)' response.

                                                                                         iv.            Only members of the Hearing Panel and the Parties may question a witness unless otherwise provided for pursuant to section c, below.

                                                                                           v.            Each witness shall be present in the hearing room only during the time of his/her testimony and shall refrain from discussing the case with other witnesses.

First the Initiator(s) and then the Respondent(s) may make an opening statement.

i.        The order in which witnesses shall be heard is as follows: first the witnesses called by the Initiator(s), second those called by the Respondent(s), and third those called by the Committee.

ii.      The order in which each witness shall be questioned is as follows:

a.     Witnesses called by the Initiator shall be questioned first by the Initiator, then by the Respondent and then by the Committee.

b.     Witnesses called by the Respondent shall be questioned first by the Respondent, then by the Initiator and then by the Committee.

c.     Witnesses called by the Committee shall be questioned first by the Committee, then by the Initiator and then by the Respondent.

iii.    After the Hearing Panel and the Parties have questioned a witness, members of the panel and Parties may pose additional questions at the discretion of the Chair.

iv. After all witnesses have been questioned, first the Initiator(s) and then the Respondent(s) may make closing statements. After the closing statements, the Hearing Panel may further question the Parties.

A transcript of the Hearing shall be made available by the Committee to the Parties to that Hearing, to the Provost, and to no one else. The Parties shall not provide a copy of the transcript or show it to anyone other than their advisors, observers or legal counsel.

The Hearing Panel shall consist of five members of the Committee unless, because of conflicts of interest as defined below b, only four Committee members are eligible.

 Any member of the Committee who is a member of the department or unit of the Initiator(s) or the Respondent(s) or who has a relationship of friendship, animosity, or some other nature that goes beyond mere personal acquaintance or professional association may not serve on the Hearing Panel unless otherwise agreed by all Parties.

i.        Either Party may request that any member of the Hearing Panel be excused for cause. Such a request must be made in writing to the Committee no later than five Working Days after the Pre-Hearing Meeting. The Committee shall decide whether the alleged cause justifies excusing the member and shall notify all Parties of its decision and reasons therefore at least 5 Working Days prior to the Hearing.

ii.      The Designated Dean shall not serve in adjudicating a particular Complaint if he/she has a conflict of interest as defined in section 3.b.i) above or is the Dean of the College of any Party.

i.        At least 15 Working Days prior to the Hearing, the Party notifies the Committee in writing of a significant, conflicting obligation that prevents the Party from attending; or

ii.      At any time prior to the Hearing, the Party notifies the Committee in writing of a serious and unexpected emergency or illness that prevents the Party from attending.

i.        Within seven Working Days of the date of the witness' notice to appear, the witness notifies the Committee that he/she is unable to appear; or

ii.      At any time prior to the Hearing, the witness notifies the Committee in writing of a serious and unexpected emergency or illness that prevents the witness from attending.

i.        Upon conclusion of a hearing and receipt of the hearing record, including the hearing transcript and all exhibits admitted at the hearing, the committee shall write an advisory opinion to the Provost, within 14 Working Days, that includes the transcript and all exhibits admitted at the hearing, the committee's conclusions about the case and any remedies the committee may recommend. These remedies are not limited to those specified by the initiator(s) in the complaint.

ii.      The committee shall provide a copy of its opinion to the Provost and to each party. The Provost will issue a decision within 45 Working Days of receipt of the opinion. The committee shall not provide a copy of, or show, its opinion to anyone else. The Provost or the parties may disclose the contents of the opinion at their discretion.

i.        Upon conclusion of the Hearing, the Hearing Panel shall issue an advisory opinion within 14 Working Days of receipt of the Hearing record, including the Hearing transcript and all exhibits admitted at the Hearing. The advisory opinion shall be provided to the Designated Dean and the Parties, and it shall include the Committee's conclusions about the case and any remedies the Committee may recommend. The Hearing Panel shall provide the Designated Dean the entire record of the hearing along with its advisory opinion. The Designated Dean shall render to the Parties and Committee a decision within 14 Working Days of receipt of the Committee's advisory opinion and Hearing record. The remedies which may be included in the advisory opinion and decision are not limited to those specified by the Initiator(s) in the Complaint. The Committee shall not provide a copy of, or show, its opinion to anyone except for the Designated Dean and the Parties.

ii.      Should the Initiator(s) or Respondent(s) be dissatisfied with the decision of the Designated Dean, that Party may appeal the decision to the Provost by sending the Provost and all other Parties a memorandum setting forth the objections to the decision and the basis for the objections within 14 Working Days of issuance of the decision. Any other Party may respond to the appeal by written memorandum sent to the Provost and all other Parties within 14 Working Days of receipt of a timely appeal submitted to the Provost. Should any Party not wish to respond, that Party shall inform the Provost of such in writing within the 14 Working Day response period. Should no timely appeal be taken, the decision of the Designated Dean shall become final 15 Working Days after issuance.

iii.    Should an appeal be taken with the 14 Working Day period, the Provost shall consider the Hearing record, the advisory opinion, the decision of the Designated Dean and the appeal and responsive memoranda of the Parties. The Provost shall issue the final decision on appeal to the Parties within 45 Working Days of issuance of the decision of the Designated Dean.

iv.     The Designated Dean, Provost and the Parties may disclose the contents of the final decision at their discretion after the period for appeals has run.


Updated 5/2/05 Section I. Termination Procedures 1/13/1998 [Note: This document was reprinted on 1/13/98. Changes were made to section II A 11., section II B 2.f, section II C 3.b 3), section II C 7.a 1&2, b 1,2,3&4. The date that the document was created was changed from 12/11/93 to 1/13/1998 (the document was approved by the University Faculty Senate November 3, 1997).] 4/17/1998 [Note: An additional change was made to section II C 1.c.i that was approved by the University Faculty Senate November 3, 1997, but was omitted in the previous update.]