Attachment 1


Proposed Amendment of UD Faculty Constitution:


WHEREAS there has not been a regular meeting of the Faculty Senate during the month of January since at least 2000, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the UD FACULTY CONSTITUTION be amended to eliminate the requirement for a regular meeting of the Faculty Senate during January.  


Section IV, provision 6, UD Faculty Constitution: (proposed addition underlined):


The Senate shall hold at least one regular meeting each month during the academic year (September through May, except January). The Senate may by the vote of two-thirds of its membership increase the schedule of regular meetings. It shall hold special meetings (1) at the call of the President of the University, (2) at the call of the President of the Senate, (3) by majority vote of the senators present at any regular or special meetings, (4) by petition of twenty (20) percent of the voting membership of the University Faculty to the President of the Senate, or (5) by petition to the President of the Senate of at least twenty (20) percent of the senators. The President of the Senate (or in his or her absence the Vice President of the Senate) in the last three cases shall issue the call of the special meeting within a week of receipt of the request. The meeting shall be held within one week of the call. The call of a special meeting shall state the purpose or purposes of the special meeting and no business shall be transacted other than that specified in the notice of the meeting.

(Rev. 7/1/76)