The first resolution was the one about the open election of senators formulated by Sheldon to replace Senator Morgan’s resolution.


Unanimous Resolution of the Rules Committee (October 11, 2011) regarding elections for Faculty Senators:

WHEREAS, Section IV, Paragraph 5 of the University of Delaware Faculty Constitution provides that: “Each Unit [i.e., college] shall nominate and elect its senators by secret ballot” and

WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Faculty Senate that some Departments within such Units fail to conduct elections of senators by secret ballot, as provided for in the University of Delaware Faculty Constitution; and

WHEREAS, without such elections and secret ballots, faculty eligible to stand for election and serve as senators will be denied their right to freely participate in such elections, faculty who would otherwise have the opportunity to elect representatives by secret ballot will be disenfranchised, the Faculty Senate will not include senators who fairly represent such Departments, Units, and their faculty, and the University will be deprived of democratic governance; now therefore

IT IS RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate hereby reaffirms its commitment to free and fair elections for the elected members of the Faculty Senate and urges all Colleges, Departments and Units to conduct free and fair elections, use secret ballots, and select their representatives to the Faculty Senate, as provided for in the University of Delaware Faculty Constitution.