Resolution 011-6: Introduced by Senator Morrison: Reworded and unanimously supported. The phrase "Deans, Chairs, Faculty Senators and" was added to the "RESOLVED" part of the resolution.



WHEREAS, it is important that the University exhibits complete transparency during the restructuring of colleges and other academic units, WHEREAS, change in academic structure is an issue that benefits from as much input as possible, WHEREAS, faculty and other personnel who have a vested interest in such proposed changes should have the opportunity to not only be aware of such proposal but to be afforded sufficient time to enter into debate, be it therefore RESOLVED, that any proposal to restructure a college or any other academic unit initiated either by an academic unit or by the Provost or any other person in a senior leadership position at the UD be communicated in writing to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, Deans, Chairs, Faculty Senators and to those faculty directly impacted by such proposal within 10 (business) days of the initial public (campus) declaration of the proposal in any format.