Whereas, the University of Delaware adheres to the principles of free and open scholarly exchange, there exist expectations 1) for University faculty to publish the results of scholarly activities, 2) for the University to provide a clear process to be followed by which exceptions may be sought as they may be required by externally sponsored agreements, and 3) for students to participate (to the extent appropriate) in University faculty-scholarly endeavors, and

Whereas the proposed changes to the Faculty Handbook are aimed at re-affirming the expectation of University faculty to conduct open scholarly investigations (research), and

Whereas, the proposed changes to the Faculty Handbook provide a clear statement of the process to be followed by faculty seeking to enter into sponsored agreements that venture away from the University expectation to conduct open research, be it therefore

Resolved, that the Faculty Senate endorses the proposed revisions, in Section 3 of the Faculty Handbook (currently titled Conduct of Academic Programs), in the section currently titled Research Program Polices, as outlined in the attached document.