Dear Cihan:
As we discussed in our lunch
meeting with the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate this past Friday,
there is a small discrepancy between the UD Catalog and the Faculty Handbook as
it relates to excused absences for UD students, which has created some
complications in the recent past.
In order to correct this
discrepancy and ensure that the language in both documents is compatible, we
are proposing the following change; please see below. We are simply adding a
sentence to the Faculty Handbook that stipulates: “Authority for excusing
all class absences rests with the instructor, subject to the abovementioned
guidelines.” This language will be the same in both the UD Catalog and the
Faculty Handbook.
I am asking that (if
necessary) you submit this request to the corresponding committee of the
Faculty Senate for review and approval.
Havidán Rodríguez, Ph.D.
Deputy Provost
Instructional Program Policies
Student Class Attendance and Excused
By action of the University faculty, the responsibility for
defining attendance expectations is left to the individual faculty member,
subject to the guidelines given below. Thus it is of great importance that
early in each course the instructor make clear to each student what attendance
expectations are, and how absences due to "relatively minor"
illnesses, as described below, are to be communicated. The use of the syllabus
to list attendance expectations and means of communicating about illnesses is
In inclement weather, when classes have not been cancelled,
students should notify their faculty promptly if they are unable to attend
class, as described in the policies on Holding Classes and Inclement Weather.
It is the policy of
Absences on religious
holidays listed in University calendars is recognized
as an excused absence. Nevertheless, students are urged to remind the
instructor of their intention to be absent on a particular upcoming holiday.
Absences on religious
holidays not listed in University calendars, as well as absences due to
athletic participation or other extracurricular activities in which students
are official representatives of the University, shall be recognized as excused
absences when the student informs the instructor in writing during the first
two weeks of the semester of these planned absences for the semester. Absences
due to similar events which could not have been anticipated earlier in the
semester will be recognized as excused absences upon advance notification of
the instructor by an appropriate faculty adviser or athletic coach.
Absences due to
serious illness or death within a student's family, or other serious family
emergency, are recognized as excused absences. To validate such absences, the
student should present evidence to the Dean's Office of his or her college. The
Dean's Office will then provide a letter of verification to all of the
student's instructors for the term.
Absences due to
serious personal illness (e.g., hospitalization, surgery, or protracted medical
illness or convalescence) shall also be recognized as excused absences. To
validate such absences, the student should present evidence of the illness to the
Dean's Office of his or her college. Supportive evidence will be provided on
the student's request by the Student Health Service directly to the respective
Dean. Students who experience long-term absences of a week or more should
consult with their Assistant Dean; in such cases, it may be possible to
negotiate with faculty for the opportunity to take an incomplete grade, or a
withdrawal may be more prudent. The student's Assistant Dean will give guidance
in these matters.
For relatively minor, short-term illnesses of students (e.g.,
colds and flu, where attendance in class is undesirable) or their immediate
family, the University system depends upon reasonable communication between
students and faculty. If possible, students should report such illnesses before
the affected class, following the directions of the instructor provided at the
start of the term. (Rev. 5/96)
Absence due to short-term military duty in the National Guard or
active reserve is recognized as an excused absence. To validate such an absence,
the student should present evidence to the Dean's Office of his or her college.
The Dean's Office will then provide a letter of verification to all of the
student's instructors for the term.
Students are not to be penalized if absent from an examination,
lecture, laboratory, or other activity because of an excused absence. However,
students are fully responsible for all material presented during their absence,
and faculty are encouraged to provide opportunities,
when feasible, for students to make up examinations and other work missed
because of an excused absence.
for excusing all class absences rests with the instructor, subject to the
abovementioned guidelines (Rev.