Known Senate Business 2011-12

A. Resolutions:

1. Res011-1: Fac Handbook Update – UCTE

WHEREAS the University Council on Teacher Education reviews all UD programs preparing educational professionals for work in schools, and

WHEREAS the description and committee charge of the University Council on Teacher Education found in the Faculty Handbook is badly out of date, and

WHEREAS NCATE accreditors will be on campus October 2011 for a site visit reviewing UD programs for teacher education, and

WHEREAS revisions to the Faculty handbook require Faculty Senate approval, be it therefore

RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate approves the revision and updating of the description and committee charge of the university Council on Teacher Education.


2. Res011-2: Handbook Revision - APR committee reorganization

WHEREAS the Academic Priorities Review committee considers matters relevant to the work of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education, and

WHEREAS the Academic Priorities Review committee meets after the Faculty Senate elections for the coming year, and

WHEREAS changes to the committee structure of the Faculty Senate requires Faculty Senate approval, be it therefore

RESOLVED that the incoming chairperson of the Coordinating Committee on Education be a member of the Academic Priorities Review committee.


3. RES011-3: Fac Handbook Revision - Deletion of January meeting

WHEREAS there has not been a regular meeting of the Faculty Senate during the month of January since at least 2000, and

WHEREAS additions and revisions to the FACULTY HANDBOOK require Faculty Senate approval, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the FACULTY HANDBOOK be revised to no longer require during January a regular meeting of the Faculty Senate.

4. Res011-4: Fac Handbook Addition, Elimination of “Senior Day”

Whereas the Thursday before graduation has been designated 'Senior Day' only since spring 2010, and

Whereas there is a need to preserve the days of instruction during the semester and to avoid the use of Saturday as an exam day, be it therefore

Resolved, that in spring semester 2012, and thereafter, the Thursday before graduation be used as a final examination day.

5. Res011-5: Handbook Addition, use of Saturdays during Finals

Whereas Saturdays are a day of worship for many, be it therefore

Resolved, Saturdays will not be used for the regular scheduling of final exams, but a faculty member (with the consent of his or her students) may request a final examination be scheduled on a Saturday.

6. Res011-6: Fac Handbook Addition, Unit Reorganization

WHEREAS, it is important that the University exhibits complete transparency during the restructuring of colleges and other academic units,

WHEREAS, change in academic structure is an issue that benefits from as much input as possible,

WHEREAS, faculty and other personnel who have a vested interest in such proposed changes should have the opportunity to not only be aware of such proposal but to be afforded sufficient time to enter into debate, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that any proposal to restructure a college or any other academic unit initiated either by an academic unit or by the Provost or any other person in a senior leadership position at the UD be communicated in writing to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate and to those directly impacted by such proposal within 10 (business) days of the initial public (campus) declaration of the proposal in any format.

7. Res011-7: Revision to the 6/10 Rule.** (see B.8 below)

WHEREAS, the 6-10 rule has been adhered to by university administrators for the past several decades for scheduling classes using this basic guideline as a minimum size for both graduate and undergraduate classes, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the 6-10 rule continue to be adhered to by  administrators in charge of scheduling classes unless a financial exigency is declared at the university whereby such a policy may be negated.



B. Ongoing Projects and Business:

1. P&T revisions.

2. Involuntary leave policy.

3. ASL admission change.

4. Updating of the Fac Handbook (FH).

5. FW&P committee revisions.

6. Drop/Add policy.  (B.8?)

7. Codification of Fac senate parliamentary policies.

8. Ad Hoc Committee on Scheduling – review of FH section on Finals, & 6/10 rule.



C. Anticipated Motions (I’ve been told this motion will be made…):

1. To eliminate administrators from fac senate membership.