APR Committee Reorganization:

Rationale: as the APR committee discusses issues relevant to the coming academic year, including the incoming chairperson of CCE in those discussions would expedite the work of the CCE committee in the coming academic year.


WHEREAS the Academic Priorities Review committee considers matters relevant to the work of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education, and

WHEREAS the Academic Priorities Review committee meets after the Faculty Senate elections for the coming year, and

WHEREAS changes to the committee structure of the Faculty Senate requires Faculty Senate approval, be it therefore

RESOLVED that the incoming chairperson of the Coordinating Committee on Education be a member of the Academic Priorities Review committee.


Description of the Academic Priorities Review (deletions struck-out; proposed additions underlined):

The committee shall consist of five members, who shall be the present  current chairperson, the incoming chairperson, and three the two most recent former chairpersons of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education and one former winner of the Francis Alison Award. In the event that a former chair of the Coordinating Committee cannot serve, another former Senate officer may be appointed as a substitute. Members shall serve four-year terms, with one Senate member joining and one leaving each year. The committee will elect its own chair.