WHEREAS the University Council on Teacher Education reviews all UD programs preparing educational professionals for work in schools, and


WHEREAS the description and committee charge of the University Council on Teacher Education found in the Faculty Handbook is badly out of date, and


WHEREAS NCATE accreditors will be on campus October 2011 for a site visit reviewing UD programs for teacher education, and


WHEREAS revisions to the Faculty handbook require Faculty Senate approval, be it therefore


RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate approves the revision and updating of the description and committee charge of the university Council on Teacher Education.




Section 2: Academic Program Organization

University Council on Teacher Education

(Blue = original, Black = new, strikethrough = deleted)


The University Council on Teacher Education advises the Provost and the deans of each of the colleges with teacherprofessional education programs (broadly defined to include all programs preparing candidates for work in schools) Dean of the College of Human Resources, Education and Public Policy on all matters relating to teacher professional education (broadly defined to include all programs preparing candidates for work in schools) at the University. It formulates policy recommendations in keeping with its primary responsibility to assist the University in fulfilling its mandate for excellence and national leadership in the field of teacher professional education. Accordingly, it will reviews, at least annually and more often if deemed necessary by the Provost, the dDeans, or the members Executive Committee of the Council, all teacher professional education programs offered by the University. In so doing, it will assesses the need for these programs (and any others currently not offered) for the State, region, and nation, and each program’s candidates’ achievement of the professional education unit’s outcomes, appropriate specialty program association standards, and Delaware teacher or administration standards and makes appropriate recommendations. It will serves as a major liaison among the between the College of Human Resources, Education and Public Policy and other cColleges and divisions of the University  also interested or involved in teacher training, bringing to the attention of relevant bodies particular needs or requirements in teacher education. Close cooperation in teacher professional education among all faculties iswill be encouraged and assisted by the Council in every possible way.

TIn practice, the work of the Council is carried out by the full membership, supported by the Delaware Center for Teacher Education.  its Executive Ex-officio members of the Council include: the Director of the Delaware Center for Teacher Education; the Director of the School of Education; the Coordinator of Secondary Teacher Education from the College of Arts and Science; and a dean’s representative from the College of Arts and Science, the College of Health Sciences,; and the College of Education and Human Development. Each spring the ex-officio members elect six additional members to the Council for two-year staggered terms, one undergraduate teacher education candidate and one graduate teacherprofessional education candidate. The Director of the Delaware Center for Teacher Education chairs the Council.Committee, which is composed of no more than two members from each participating college, typically the college's associate dean and teacher education coordinator. The Executive Committee is chaired by the Dean of the College of Human Resources, Education and Public Policy, who is a nonvoting member of the group.

The Council Executive Committee will meets once each month during the academic year, or more often as required or requested by the Provost, a dean, or four members of the Council. It will addressesconsider issues and questions concerning teacher professional education;, drafts and implements policy statements;, monitors teacher professional education programs to ensure that State and national standards are met; guides the preparation of documents required by the State of Delaware, specialty program associations, and national accreditation bodies; reviews all proposals for new or revised teacher professional education programs; establishes, reviews, and approves policies pertaining to the selection, retentionaining, screening and recommendation for licensure, clinical experiences,  set other agenda items for presentation to the Council at its semi-annual meetings and, in general, act on behalf of the Council between its sessions.and other matters affecting licensure, accreditation, or University standards as they pertain to all education programs preparing candidates for work in schools.

The Council will meet twice each year during regular academic terms; special meetings may be called upon due notification to the membership by the Provost, the Dean, or the Executive Committee of the Council.