Draft regarding a resolution with three recommendations



At the May 2005 Senate meeting, the Ad Hoc committee (chaired by Don Lehman) presented its report, and the following resolution.  The strike-through and the red-faced font were added by “friendly amendments”:

Whereas,   the Faculty Senate ad hoc committee on grade inflation has found evidence of significant grade inflation at the University, and


Whereas,   the grade inflation committee has conducted three open hearings, solicited comments, and generated discussion across campus, and


Whereas,   the most important mechanism identified for controlling grade inflation is faculty accountability, and recognizing that grading is a faculty prerogative, and


Whereas,   many faculty believe that transparency in grade distribution is an important goal, and


Whereas,   in most classes, grade distributions can be made public without violating students’ rights of privacy; be it therefore,


1. Resolved, that the Faculty Senate recommends that chairs and faculty discuss grade distribution and consider including it as a part of faculty annual appraisals; and be it further,


2. Resolved, that wherever possible, the distribution of grades in classes and across departments be made public.


Resolution 1 was amended. The suggested revision was: “Faculty discuss grade distribution on an annual basis.”  This amended resolution passed: in favor – 44 votes; opposed – 1 vote; abstentions - 2. 

Resolution 2 was also amended – that the phrase “that wherever possible” be deleted, with the justification being that chairs have this information and can provide it to their faculty.  The vote to adopt resolution 2, amended, was: in favor – 43 votes; opposed – 6 votes; abstentions - 2.



2011 Proposed Resolution

Whereas the Faculty Senate 2005 Ad Hoc committee on grade inflation found evidence of significant grade inflation at the University, and,


Whereas the Faculty Senate voted in May 2005 that “faculty discuss grade distribution on an annual basis” and,


Whereas the Faculty Senate voted in May 2005 that “the distributions of grades across departments be made public” and,


Whereas many faculty believe that transparency in grade distribution is important.  Be it therefore resolved that:


Resolution 1: the Faculty Senate requests that the Registrar’s Office annually provide each unit’s chair with information about grade distributions for each course and section taught in that unit;


Resolution 2: the Faculty Senate recommends that unit chairs discuss grade distributions with faculty;


Resolution 3: the Faculty Senate requests that the Office of Institutional Research provide public and timely postings of aggregate grade distributions across units and colleges.