University of Delaware

Office of Residence Life


2010-2011 – 3/29/10




The first year student residence halls include George Read, Rodney, Dickinson, Russell/Lane/Thompson, and Harrington complexes.  These facilities house over 3800 students in traditional residence halls with exception to George Read that has a suite style floor plan (two rooms with one shared bathroom).


The first year program plan places an emphasis on helping students establish a sense of belonging in the larger University community through community development and campus involvement opportunities and through exposure to campus units and the resources they provide to enhance student out-of-class engagement. The residential experience allows students to explore broad citizenship themes through a variety of philanthropic initiatives, community discussions, and opportunities to engage with their peers and University staff and faculty. Traditional first-year student needs are addressed through a variety of activities designed to orient them to the campus and assist them with their particular adjustment needs.


An emphasis is placed on providing freshman students with multiple and varied opportunities to engage with each other and the wider university community. Faculty will be involved in the residential environment and students connected with large scale university initiatives. Students will also be afforded many avenues to make their own distinctive mark in the hall community through hall government leadership, leading environmental sustainability groups and committees, and through a student initiative program, which makes available to students some funds for them to create their own activity or social event.


With the exception of the floor and building meetings held at opening, all activities detailed in this plan are attendance-optional.  Students will not face penalties, perceived or real, for failing to engage in residential activities and programs. Staff and students will be informed that no activity in the residence halls is mandatory for students.




Staff members are expected to follow the guidelines within the program plan in developing activities for students.  Members of residence hall community councils and individual students will be encouraged and provided with resources to contribute to community life through a variety of initiatives of their own making.


Undergraduate and graduate staff members will also serve on a variety of program-plan implementation committees and task force groups. Groups will be based on key elements of the program plan such as philanthropic initiatives, the personal development series, major programs, and larger social events. Each of the committees will have representation from the first-year complexes and a coordinating infrastructure will be developed to allow the full first-year staff to collaborate on program implementation. Each student staff committee will be coordinated and overseen by a professional Complex Coordinator who will operate under the supervision of the Associate Director of Residence Life. 


The program plan articulates only a portion of the duties of a residence hall staff member related to student outreach and student assistance. Staff members perform a wide variety of routine and non-routine roles that contribute to the overall student experience.


Repeating Themes:


The majority of months include one major all-freshman program, one complex-based personal development series, social events, and one campus resource connection.


Typical monthly activities also include hall student government initiatives, community meetings, RA conversations, and a set of floor visuals focused on campus resources, community service efforts, environmental sustainability, and major University programs.


Campus experts/professionals/faculty will be utilized when appropriate to offer the programs in the Personal Development Series, Major All-Freshman Programs, and Campus Resource Connections.  More detail on these are provided below.


Major All-Freshman Programs: These large-scale programs are designed to provide information and a variety of campus involvement opportunities. A heavy emphasis is placed on engagement and interaction in program design. The programs will primarily take on a “fair” type of atmosphere and we will work with invited participants to create simulations, demonstrations, and other means to give our students the opportunity to play an active role in their own learning. The all-freshman programs are loaded heavily in the Fall semester. This series includes a Student Safety Forum, Environmental Sustainability Activities event, Residence Hall Day of Service, MLK Day of Service, Personal Decision Making, Civic Involvement, and Recyclemania. 


Personal Development Series: The Personal Development Series has been designed to contribute to select First Year Experience (FYE) outcomes. Each of the first-year complexes will sponsor a program open to all freshman students. FYS program coordinators will be notified of the programs so that students in first-year-seminars may be invited to attend. Each program will be facilitated four separate times.  Program design will be envisioned in collaboration with the Center for International Studies (study abroad), Academic Enrichment (tutoring emphasis), Information Technologies/PRESENT (computer safety, responsibilities), Dean of Students Office (rights and responsibilities), Career Services (summer internships, odd jobs), and Wellspring (sexual assault prevention).  Professional staff will engage with these units several months in advance of implementation to design the interactive session and develop promotion schemes.


Campus Resource Connections: This series will provide students with opportunities to connect to various resources on campus. In some cases, the staff will simply promote and support existing major campus programmatic initiatives such as Women’s History Month, Latino Heritage Month, etc. It is expected that professional staff will reach out to major program planners in order to offer promotional assistance and develop participation campaigns in the first year residence halls. In other cases, such as with the Center for International Studies International Education Week, efforts will be made to assist the organizing unit.  Resident Assistants will also be encouraged to invite UDPD Community Police Officers and “Healthy Hens” coordinators into the residence hall for presentations.


Faculty Connections Opportunities: A wide variety of opportunities will be made available for University of Delaware faculty to engage with residence hall students. Faculty will be invited to offer presentations, take part in major events, spend time with students in the dining halls, participate with hall student government activities, or other interactive opportunities. 


Social Events: The social events are designed to place an emphasis on student-to-student interaction and should serve as a point of connection for freshmen. For example, outdoor festivals and competitive events typically include a substantial amount of wait-time and service RSOs will be asked to set up tables to promote activities and discuss involvement options with freshmen. Students will be invited to create their own social events with the assistance of Resident Assistants acting as event and logistics advisors.


Complex Traditions:

Complex Traditions: In each of the five First-Year residence halls, students and residence life staff have created and appreciated certain complex-specific traditions. Those traditions are as follows: Russell/Lane/Thompson complex hosts the “What’s on Wednesdays?” series; a social program held in the lounge every Wednesday evening. Dickinson complex hosts various social programs including pancake nights, Karaoke competitions, and video game nights provided as a social outlet for students. Rodney complex also hosts a “traveling pancakes” program; in this case, the staff moves from building to building passing out pancakes in order to get to know Rodney residents better. George Read complex holds an “Animal Petting Zoo” and a Halloween lounge decorating competition in partnership with local youth organizations. During these events, students can learn about local organizations, non-profit careers, mentorship, and service opportunities. Harrington complex designs “weekend events” that are social activities hosted in the lounges every Friday and Saturday evening. Each tradition provides students with unique social activities specific to the complex in which they live. 


Opening Week






Parent Meetings

Complex Coordinators (CCs) will host Informational meetings for the parents of First-Year students. Topics include: problem-solving resources, safety information, and programs available to students.

Campus Safety

Community Oriented Police (COPs) will host informational meetings about campus safety and University of Delaware programs in each building.

Campus Resource Tour

Resident Assistants (RAs) will offer their floor a tour of campus to identify key resource areas, health-involvement opportunities at the Carpenter Sports Building, and students’ fall classroom locations. Participating offices will provide information and tips to student tour groups.

Social Events

Eat & Greet #1

RAs will organize a floor trip to the dining hall during the first weekend of the semester. This event is intended to help residents connect with their floor community.

1st Night & 2nd Day Activities

RAs will take residents to a series of activities that will help students become acclimated to the campus culture and community.

Community Meetings

Building Meeting

Hall Directors (HDs) and CCs will hold a meeting for all students within their building. Topics include: introduction of learning opportunities for the year, residence hall policies, student code of conduct expectations, Complex Community Council (CCC) recruitment, and RA/HD/CC introductions.

Opening Day Floor Meeting

RAs will facilitate a meeting for all students residing on their floor. Topics/Activities include: introduction of community members, discussion of community expectations, Alcohol EDU reminder, and community team builders to establish connections among residents.

RA Conversations

Acclimation Help & Welcome

RAs and HDs will offer assistance and support to students.

Floor Visuals

Month Specific Floor Visuals

See Appendix 1: Month Specific Floor Visuals

General Floor Visuals

See Appendix 2: General Floor Visuals

Faculty Connection


First Year Experience (FYE) program coordinators will be asked to send an invitation to First Year Seminar (FYS) faculty to act as greeters within the residence halls that house their particular cluster.













Weekly Service Initiative (Kick-Off)

Complex Staff will design and hold weekly service opportunities for interested students to “give back” and socialize within their community.

·         Student Performances for Red Cross Donations – George Read (Mondays)

·         Pen Pals for the Mary Campbell Center, Troops abroad, etc. – Dickinson (Tuesdays)

·         “Knit a Square” for AIDS Orphans – Harrington (Wednesdays)

·         Cookies, Coloring Books, & Cards for the Ronald McDonald House – Russell/Lane/Thompson  (Thursdays)

·         Coffee House Fund Raiser for various charities – Rodney (Saturdays)

Complex Coordinator Facebook Post (Kick-Off)

CCs will establish a Complex Facebook page as a means of providing information and an additional point of contact for First-Year students. Topics include: upcoming events, student accomplishments, etc.

Tips for Safety

A campus-wide program on “all things safety.” Invited participants include: Wellspring (safe sex, sexual assault, alcohol safety); UDPD (Self Defense Demo, property registration); Information Technologies (IT) (computer safety and protection); Environmental Health & Safety (fire safety); Residence Life (the “why” behind Residence Hall Regulations); Counseling Center (roommate assertiveness).

Common Reader “Chat & Chew”

Complex Staff will invite residents and FYS Peer Mentors affiliated with their complex to engage in a general discussion of the Freshmen Common Reader over pizza and snacks.

International Student Welcome

Complex Staff will host a meet and greet event with emphasis on new international students. All students will be invited to take part in sharing cultural methods of greeting/welcome.  Students will be able to take part in a “country of origin” flag making activity. A sign-up process for “Cultural Exchange Partners” will also be available for those interested. In addition, an invitation will be made through the Faculty Senate Student Life Committee to any interested faculty.

Social Events

Freshmen Field Day #1

 A day of events focused on strengthening students’ connection with each other and the UD community. Events will focus on building school spirit and friendly rivalries among floor communities through competition. Competitions include: Ultimate Frisbee, Flag Football, Volleyball, Foul Shot Competition, water balloon toss, etc. A portion of the event will include information about opportunities for students to participate in UD Intramurals.

Eat & Greet #2

RAs will organize a second floor trip to the dining hall. This event is intended to help residents connect with their floor community.

Community Meetings

Sept. Floor Meeting

RAs will facilitate a meeting for all interested students residing on their floor. Topics/Activities include: discussion of individual goals/expectations/visions for floor community (goal is to create a mutually agreed upon statement of community standards and a set of goals for the year), October Day of Service, and Single Stream Recycling.

Student Initiative Fund  (SIF) Info Meeting

HDs will host an informational meeting for any student interested in coordinating a program or social activity for their floor/building community. Topics include: how to get funding, SIF procedures, etc.

RA Conversations

Individual & Mutual Goal Setting

RAs will offer to meet with individuals and/or roommates to help them discuss their vision for their roommate relationship dynamics. Residents will be provided with an optional opportunity to discuss their individual goals, mutual goals, and set the groundwork for the relationship with their RA.

International Student Outreach #1

RAs and HDs will make individual contact with each international student residing on their floor/building to provide them with the opportunity to discuss available resources and invite them to upcoming community activities/events throughout the residence hall and campus.

Floor Visuals

Month Specific Floor Visuals

See Appendix 1: Month Specific Floor Visuals

General Floor Visuals

See Appendix 2: General Floor Visuals


Complex Community Council (CCC) Initiatives

Recruitment & Training/ A Constitution Day Event

Complex Staff will focus on recruitment of students to participate in a student-run governing body and “green action” teams (Green Action teams would be student volunteers who would focus on promoting recycling and conservation efforts in their residence hall). This process will duplicate democratic processes currently used in the US to select elected officials. The recruitment process will include elements such as debates, caucuses, and training for student leaders. 

Meet the Candidates Night

Complex Staff will host an event for students to meet all Community Council candidates and engage in a question/answer session. The Faculty Senate Student Life Committee will be requested to solicit any faculty members willing to attend the various sessions to discuss leadership, politics, or governance models.

Hall and Complex Elections

A campus-wide election day will be held in each area of campus for all first-year student elections. Complex Staff will work with the Delaware Election Commissioner to provide students the opportunity to elect their Community Council leaders in the same manner they would participate in U.S. electoral processes, while also encouraging students to register to vote.

Legacy Project Stage 1

Out-going (sophomore) student leaders will be invited to return to their first-year complex and help facilitate candidate information sessions, promote student leadership, and take part in the election process for new students.

Student Leader Initiatives

CCC student leaders will initiate, plan, and organize various events/activities based on student interest.

Campus Resource Connection

Student Activities Night

RAs will invite all interested students to join them at Student Activities Night where they can find information about co-curricular opportunities available on campus.

Latino Heritage Month

Complex Staff will advertise campus-wide Latino Heritage Month events.

CPAB Block Party

Complex Staff will advertise the annual Block Party 1st weekend event.

Faculty Connections

Eat & Greet #3

An invitation will be made through the Faculty Senate Student Life Committee to any interested faculty who wish to connect with First-Year students over a meal at the dining hall.


Operational Processes

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. Administrative processes include: Early Check-in, Check-in, Opening, Student Conduct Conversations, Triples Assistance, Room Changes, Fire Drills, Mail/Packages, Keys, Duty/Rounds, Office Hours, Crisis Response etc. Staff will also be responding based on observed needs to typical issues during this time such as campus familiarization, academic environment adjustment, homesickness, roommate conflicts, test anxiety, balancing social and academic responsibilities, first parties, long distance or new relationships, and establishing study habits.







Weekly Service Initiative

See September.

Complex Coordinator Facebook Post

See September.

Personal Development Series

Complex staff will coordinate with various UD offices to bring their resources into student lounges. Sessions will be open to all First-Year students regardless of living area.

·         Writing Center (Harrington)

·         Communication Fellows (Rodney)

·         Academic Enrichment Center (George Read)

·         Undergraduate Research (Russell/Lane/Thompson)

·         Study Abroad Ambassadors (Dickinson)


*Connected to FYE Learning Outcome focus: Develop a plan to ensure your academic success at UD while benefitting from the many prominent resources available to you

Green Art Competition

Complex Staff will provide space & materials for students to create a “green” (environmental sustainability) work of art as a collective group. Each complex’s art will be displayed in a public center where students can vote on the winner.

Campus Day of Service

Campus-wide series of community service activities hosted in various residence halls.

“Join My Cause” Fair

Students, faculty, UD staff, and members of the Newark community will be invited to reserve tables and promote their civic or charitable causes. Students will be invited to explore the various involvement opportunities. The Faculty Senate Student Life Committee will be asked to solicit faculty members involved in charitable or service organizations to attend and network with students.

Social Events

Student-Initiated Events

RAs will assist any student interested in planning his/her own program or social activity.

Freshmen Field Day #2

See September.

Community Meetings

Oct. Floor Meeting

RAs will facilitate a meeting for all interested students residing on their floor. Topics/Activities include: Campus Day of Service, discussion around the adopted Complex service agency for the year, Alcohol EDU, and campus resources.

RA Conversations

Individual & Mutual Goal Setting (Continued)

See September.

International Student Outreach #2

RAs and HDs will make individual contact with each international student residing on their floor/building to discuss Thanksgiving break & housing options, provide them with the opportunity to express adjustment concerns, and invite them to upcoming community activities/events (especially International Education Week in November).

Floor Visuals

Month Specific Floor Visuals

See September.

General Floor Visuals

See September.

CCC Initiatives

Halloween Events

A variety of events hosted by CCC to celebrate Halloween with an emphasis on working with Newark youth.

Legacy Project Stage 2

See September.

Student Leader Initiatives

See September.

Campus Resource Connection

National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (NCAAW)

Complex Staff will advertise campus-wide NCAAW events hosted by Wellspring or other campus offices.

Faculty Connections

“Fireside Chat”

An invitation will be made through the Faculty Senate Student Life Committee to any interested faculty who wish to connect with First-Year students through presentations and facilitated discussion.


Operational Processes

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. Administrative processes: Student Conduct, Triples Assistance, Room Changes, Fire Drills, Mail, Keys/Access Cards, Duty/Rounds, Office Hours, Crisis Response, etc.







Weekly Service Initiative

See September.

Complex Coordinator Facebook Post

See September.

Personal Development Series

Complex staff will coordinate with various UD offices to bring their resources into student lounges. Sessions will be open to all First-Year students regardless of living area.

·         Healthy Hens (Harrington)

·         Wellspring (Rodney)

·         Dining Services Dietician (George Read)

·         Counseling Center (Russell/Lane/Thompson)

·         Career Services Center (Dickinson)


*Connected to FYE Learning Outcome focus: Identify how your personal decision-making can impact your wellbeing and your ability to reach your own goals.

International Education Week

Residence Life Staff will work with the Center for International Studies to promote and expand International Education Week events and encourage residence hall student involvement. (Specific emphasis on International Fashion Show and cultural fair with internationally themed Resident Student Organizations - RSOs).

Fall Artist Showcase

Complex Staff will set up a lounge area for students to showcase their own artwork and will organize a viewing reception for residents in the area.

Social Events

Thanksgiving Dinners

Complex Staff will organize a Thanksgiving meal interested students may join. (Either prepared by students themselves or an organized trip to the Dining Hall)

Complex Video Game Tournaments

Complex Staff will organize various video game and trivia tournaments for interested students in which the proceeds will be donated to a charity of the winner’s choice.

Student Initiated Events

See October.

Community Meetings

Nov. Floor Meeting

RAs will facilitate a meeting for all interested students residing on their floor. Topics/Activities include: effect of recycling habits on the environment, policies/procedures for Thanksgiving break, and upcoming events.

Student Initiative Fund  (SIF) Info Meeting

See September.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

RAs will invite interested students to discuss any transitional issues they may be facing.

International Student Outreach #3

RAs and HDs will make individual contact with each international student residing on their floor/building to discuss December closing procedures and housing options; and to provide them with the opportunity to discuss holiday celebrations typical to this area of the US.

Floor Visuals

Month Specific Floor Visuals

See September.

General Floor Visuals

See September.

CCC Initiatives

Student Leader Initiatives

See September.

Faculty Connections

Tips: How to connect with your advisor

An invitation will be made through the Faculty Senate Student Life Committee to any interested faculty who wish to connect with First-Year students and share tips on how to connect with their advisor. 


Operational Processes

See October.








Weekly Service Initiative

See September.

Weekly Service Initiative Celebration

Complex Staff will organize a culminating event to celebrate the accomplishments of the students’ work on the weekly service initiative throughout the semester and share information about the total contributions they made.

Complex Coordinator Facebook Post

See September.

Personal Development Series

TBD – RAs, HDs, or students can invite/host various campus offices in the residence hall lounges based on student needs. Events organized by complex.

End of Semester Donation Drives

Complex Staff will provide an opportunity for students to donate clothes and non-perishable foods for donation at various charitable organizations.

Social Events

Study Breaks

RAs and HDs will host an event during finals week allowing students to take a quick break from studying.

Student Initiated Events

See October.

Community Meetings

Dec. Floor Meeting

RAs will facilitate a meeting for all interested students residing on their floor. Topics/Activities include: identifying service opportunities in their hometowns and in Newark, closing procedures/processes, information about open room change period, and upcoming study breaks.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

See November.

Floor Visuals

Month Specific Floor Visuals

See September.

General Floor Visuals

See September.

CCC Initiatives

Student Leader Initiatives

See September.


Operational Processes

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. Administrative processes include: Check-out, Closing processes, Student Conduct Conversations, Triples Assistance, Room Changes, Fire Drills, Mail/Packages, Keys/Access Cards, Duty/Rounds, Office Hours, Crisis Response etc.











Complex Coordinator Facebook Post

See September.

Social Events

Winter Community Connections

RAs will provide opportunities for winter session residents to get together.

Student Initiated Events

See October.

Community Meetings

Building Meeting: Safety

HDs will host an informational meeting about staying safe in the residence halls with a low student population.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

See November.

Floor Visuals

Month Specific Floor Visuals

See September.

General Floor Visuals

See September.


Operational Processes

See September.








Weekly Service Initiative

See September. Note: Initiatives will be re-introduced in the Spring and will only continue based on student interest and students assuming leadership/coordination roles.

Complex Coordinator Facebook Post

See September.

Personal Development Series

See December.

Freshmen Philanthropy Kick-Off

RAs will initiate a philanthropic endeavor with their floor community for the spring semester. (E.g. Relay for Life teams, Soap for Hope, continuation of weekly service initiative, etc.)

Martin Luther King Jr. Service Activities

A number of service opportunities in the residential complex and surrounding community will be available. In 1994 Congress passed the King Holiday and Service Act, designating the King Holiday as a national day of volunteer service. Instead of a day off from work or school, Congress asked Americans of all backgrounds and ages to celebrate Dr. King's legacy by turning community concerns into citizen action. Due to low winter enrollment and interested participants, this day has been converted into a service activity in February.

Student International Experience Symposium

An event will be sponsored to give all residence hall students who engaged in a fall or winter study abroad to share their experiences through photos, presentations, or other interactive activities. Study Abroad Ambassadors will be asked to assist. 

Social Events

Welcome Back Party

RAs will provide opportunities for students returning spring semester to reconnect with one another.  At each social event, information will be posted on the walls informing students of the financial and environmental impact of the event.

Student Initiated Events

See October.

Community Meetings

Feb. Floor Meeting

RAs will facilitate a meeting for all interested students residing on their floor. Topics/Activities include: reviewing and updating fall community agreements, introduction/orientation of new students to the floor community, review of residence hall policies, alcohol issues, safety guidelines, welcome students to a new semester, introduce Recyclemania, Relay for Life, Martin Luther Kind Jr. Service Activities, and other upcoming events.

Building Meeting: Green Room Challenge

HDs will host an informational meeting about the Green Room Challenge. The Green Room Challenge is a program that recognizes student efforts to minimize waste, recycle, and save power in their residence hall room.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

See November.

International Student Outreach for Spring arrivals

RAs and HDs will make individual contact with each new international student residing on their floor/building to provide them with the opportunity to discuss available resources and invite them to upcoming community activities/events.

Floor Visuals

Month Specific Floor Visuals

See September.

General Floor Visuals

See September.

CCC Initiatives

Student Leader Initiatives

See September.

Campus Resource Connection

Vagina Monologues

Complex Staff will advertise the Vagina Monologues.

African American Heritage Month

Complex Staff will advertise campus-wide Black History Month events.

Faculty Connections

Faculty Outside the Classroom

An invitation will be made through the Faculty Senate Student Life Committee to any interested faculty who wish to connect with First-Year students in a residence hall lounge and share unique hobbies, interests, or activities they engage in outside of their teaching.


Operational Processes

See October.








Complex Coordinator Facebook Post

See September.


Freshmen Philanthropy (continued)

See February.


Personal Development Series

Complex staff will coordinate with various UD offices and faculty to bring their resources into student lounges. Sessions will be open to all First-Year students regardless of living area.

·         Faculty Debate (Harrington)

·         Information Technologies – Online Citizenship (Rodney)

·         Faculty Debate (George Read)

·         Office of Service Learning – Community Service v. Service Learning (Russell/Lane/Thompson)

·         Dean of Students/Student Conduct/ Student ACLU – campus rights & responsibilities (Dickinson)


*Connected to FYE Learning Outcome focus: Engage in experiences that contribute to your understanding of what it means to be a respectful and contributing member of a diverse community and global society.


Green Spring Break

Residence Life staff will invite campus experts to present on environmentally sustainable spring break trips and service-related spring break alternatives.

Social Events

Student Initiated Events

See October.

Community Meetings

Mar. Floor Meeting

RAs will facilitate a meeting for all interested students residing on their floor. Topics/Activities include: spring break closing, spring break safety, Recyclemania progress, and upcoming events.

Student Initiative Fund  (SIF) Info Meeting

See September.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

See November.

International Student Outreach #4

RAs and HDs will make individual contact with each international student residing on their floor/building to discuss Spring break and end-of-term closing procedures and housing options. Students will also have the opportunity to discuss plans for becoming involved in extracurricular activities in the next academic year.

Floor Visuals

Month Specific Floor Visuals

See September.

General Floor Visuals

See September.

CCC Initiatives

Student Leader Initiatives

See September.

Faculty Connections

Follow your Dreams – Choosing an Academic Path

An invitation will be made through the Faculty Senate Student Life Committee to any interested faculty who wish to connect with First-Year students and share advice on choosing an academic path based on student aspirations.

Faculty Debate

As mentioned in Personal Development Series, Faculty members will be invited to debate one another on a topic of their choice in a residence hall lounge. Participating faculty will then be invited to share with attending students how to engage in civil discourse.


Operational Processes

See October.








Complex Coordinator Facebook Post

See September.

Freshmen Philanthropy (continued)

See February.

Personal Development Series

See December.

Main Street Challenge

Teams of interested students will partner with their RA and compete against other teams to create the most environmentally sustainable shopping list. Teams will “shop” on main street for various items, record information about the product, and ultimately present their team’s “purchases” to a panel of judges.

Environmental Sustainability Activities Fair/ “Green Expo”

Residence Life staff will collaborate with academic, environmentally themed RSOs, UD’s Sustainability Taskforce, and other related offices to develop a fair that gives students the opportunity to become aware of and participate in sustainability initiatives on campus. Possible events: sustainability fashion show, emerging technologies (e.g. VtoG), and “adjust or prevent” booths.

Political Involvement Beyond Elections

Representatives from multiple political parties will be invited to host a forum and inform students of avenues for political involvement outside of traditional “get out the vote” methods. Politically based RSOs and interested faculty will also be invited to assist with the program.

Earth Day

Complex Staff will initiate and support events to celebrate Earth Day.

Social Events

Complex Idol

Complex Staff will organize a talent competition for interested students.


Student Initiated Events

See October.

Community Meetings

Apr. Floor Meeting

RAs will facilitate a meeting for all interested students residing on their floor. Topics/Activities include: discussion about ongoing Freshmen philanthropy, information about the Environmental Sustainability Activities Fair/”Green Expo,” and information about other upcoming events.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

See November.

Floor Visuals

Month Specific Floor Visuals

See September.

General Floor Visuals

See September.

CCC Initiatives

Student Leader Initiatives

See September.

Legacy Project Stage 3

The CCC advisor will work with student leaders to develop “legacy statements,” take pictures, and pass on tips for student leaders among the incoming Freshmen class.

Campus Resource Connection

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Complex Staff will advertise campus-wide Sexual Assault Awareness Month events.

Faculty Connections

Last Lecture Series

An invitation will be made through the Faculty Senate Student Life Committee to any interested faculty who wish to connect with First-Year students by delivering a presentation they would choose to conduct if it was their last chance to talk to college students. 


Operational Processes

See October.








Complex Coordinator Facebook Post

See September.

Freshmen Philanthropy (continued)

See February.

Personal Development Series

See December.

Trading Stuff

Complex Staff will facilitate a program whereby interested students can bring their unwanted items to trade with one another.

Spring Film Festival

Students will be invited to submit their own video creations for a public showing and audience “choice” awards

Social Events

Celebrate Successes Party

RAs and HDs will organize an event to celebrate students’ achievements and successes throughout the year.


Residence Life Leadership Awards

Residence Life staff will host an awards reception for students who make significant contributions to their Residence Hall community and the University of Delaware.


Student Initiated Events

See October.

Community Meetings

May Floor Meeting

RAs will facilitate a meeting for all interested students residing on their floor. Topics/Activities include: information about the spring closing process and closure activities for the community.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

See November.

Floor Visuals

Month Specific Floor Visuals

See September.

General Floor Visuals

See September.

CCC Initiatives

Student Leader Initiatives

See September.

Closing Budgets

Each CCC will audit their own budgets and discuss their management of student resources during the course of the year. Each CCC will put forth a “Fiscal Recommendation Plan” for the following year’s student leaders.

Campus Resource Connection

Relay for Life

RAs and HDs will support this campus-wide event through floor/building teams and fundraising.

Asian/Pacific Islander History Month

Complex Staff will advertise campus-wide Asian/Pacific Islander History Month events.


Operational Processes

See December.


Appendix I: Month Specific Floor Visuals


 Listed below are the visuals that every Hall Director staff is responsible for posting within their building during each of the specified months:           

1.       Opening

a.       Opening Decorations - Floor visuals to announce programs and activities and create a welcoming environment for community members. 

b.       Freshman Common Reader - An informational and interactive board about the upcoming “Chat & Chew,” with the opportunity for students to share what they thought about the book. 

c.        CCC (Structure & Election Information) - An informational board about CCC (residence hall government) structure and election information.

d.       Student Leadership Opportunities - An informational board about the different leadership opportunities available on campus and around the city of Newark.

2.       September

a.       Freshman Day of Service – An informational board about activities during the upcoming Freshman Day of Service in October. 

b.       Latin American Heritage Month - An informational board about the Latin American community and campus-wide events.

c.        Citizenship and Volunteering – An informational board about volunteering and how to find local volunteer opportunities. This board should highlight service-oriented Registered Student Organizations and local services organizations.  

d.       Campus Safety Tips - An informational board about ways to stay safe on campus.

e.        Personal Development Office Spotlight for Oct. Board - An informational board highlighting one of the offices presenting in the Personal Development Series:

                                                               i.      Writing Center (Harrington);

                                                             ii.      Communication Fellows (Rodney);

                                                           iii.      Academic Enrichment Center (George Read);

                                                            iv.      Undergraduate Research (Russell/Lane/Thompson);

                                                              v.      Study Abroad Ambassadors (Dickinson)

f.         Faculty Connection Series  - An Informational board on the scheduled Eat and Greet Session for the complex.

3.       October

a.       Personal Development Office Spotlight for Nov. Board - An informational board highlighting one of the offices presenting in the Personal Development Series: 

                                                               i.      Healthy Hens (Harrington);

                                                             ii.      Wellspring (Rodney);

                                                           iii.      Dining Services Dietician (George Read);

                                                            iv.      Counseling Center (Russell/Lane/Thompson);

                                                              v.      Career Services Center (Dickinson)

4.       November

a.       International Education Week - An informational board about International Week based on information provided by the Center for International Studies

b.       Alternative Spring Breaks – An informational board about opportunities to do community service during Spring Break.

5.       Winter/January

a.       Martin Luther King Jr. Service Activities – An informational board about the upcoming month’s Martin Luther King Jr. Service Activities.

6.       February

a.       Spring Opening Decorations - Floor visuals to welcome students back from Winter Break.  

b.       African American Heritage Month – An informational board about the African-American Community and campus-wide events.

c.        Famous Resident Assistants – An informational board about famous Resident Assistants and the Resident Assistant Application Process.

7.       March

a.       How to get involved on campus with Green Initiatives – An informational board that highlights the upcoming month’s Green Expo.

b.       Women’s History Month Board – An informational board about Women’s History month, Women’s Studies will be requested to provide posting materials.

c.        How to make the most of your summer? – An informational board about where to find information about summer jobs and internships.

8.       April

a.       Sexual Assault Awareness Month – An informational board that will advertise campus events and include information on S.O.S.

9.       May

a.       Asian/Pacific Islander History Month Board – An informational board about the Asian/Pacific Islander community and campus-wide events.


Appendix II: General Floor Visuals


Floor Visuals (Bulletin boards and common area posters) are an important source of information and a representation of the community. Below is a list of approved floor visual topics that building staff can post on their bulletin boards and in common area lounges. Resident Assistants will work with their Hall Director to determine which Floor Visuals to post each month. Content for the floor visuals must approved by the Hall Director and Complex Coordinator.


Academic – (University of Delaware resources will be used such as: Academic Enrichment Center and First-Year Experience Office)

-          Test Taking Skills

-          Study Skills

-          Time Management

-          Adjusting to Classes in a Lecture Hall

-          Differences between High-School and College

-          Important Academic Information (Dates)

-          How to Make the Most of Your Summer (Where to get info on internships, study abroad, etc)

-          Academic Goal Setting

-          Mid-Term Preparation

-          Finals Preparation

-          How to Work in a Group

-          Choosing a Schedule

Leadership - (University of Delaware resources will be used such as: Student Center Office and Student Activities and Programs Office)

-          Complex Community Council Initiatives

-          RSO Connections

-          Greek Letter Organization Involvement

-          Student Government Association Information

-          Resident Student Association Information

-          National Residence Hall Honorary Information 

-          How to Get Involved at UD









Personal Development - (A variety of current recourses will be used, Resident Assistants will work with their Hall Director and Complex Coordinator for advance approval)

-          How to Handle Conflict

-          Personal Budgeting

-          How to Do Laundry

-          Combating homesickness

-          How to Balance Academic and

Social Life

-          Personal Goal Setting

-          Room Decorating Board

-          Finding your Place at UD

-          How to Organize Your Room and Space

-          Ways to Maximize Your Space in Your Room

Wellness - (University of Delaware resources will be used such as: Wellspring, Healthy Hens, and Student Services Center)

-          Alcohol Awareness

-          BAC Alcohol Board (Wellspring)

-          Alternatives to Drinking

-          How to Handle Stress

-          The Negative Effect of Different Drugs (Wellspring)

-          How to Stay Healthy

-          How to Eat Healthy (Healthy Hens)

-          How to Avoid Getting Sick (Student Health Services)






Pop Culture - (A variety of current recourses will be used, Resident Assistants will work with their Hall Director and Complex Coordinator for advance approval)

-          Famous Movie Quotes

-          Famous Delaware Alums

-          Pop Culture and Philanthropy

-          Developing Fashion Trends

-          What’s in the News? 

-          Social Media & Communication

-          Popular Applications for Computers and Phones

-          Generational Differences Between You and Your Parents

-          Past and Present Billboard Hits

-          Music Boards

Green Boards - (University of Delaware resources will be used such as: The University Sustainability Task Force, Facilities, and University Sustainability Webpage) 

-          Benefits of Recycling Board

-          “Single-Stream” How To Board

-          How to Repurpose and Reuse Common Items

-          Green Room Challenge

-          Recyclemania

-          Creative Green Ideas

-          How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

-          Green Tips From, “It’s Easy Being Green: A Handbook for Earth Friendly Living” Trask, C. (2006)

o        Green Living Myths- Ch. 1

o        Conserving Energy- p.50-57

o         Regarding shopping “green” (Ch. 4 & 5)

o        Travel and Recreation (p88-91)

Campus Resources - (University of Delaware, Newark, Philadelphia, and Wilmington resources will be used) 

-          On- Campus Jobs & Ways to make money On-Campus

-          University Office Spotlights

-          Local Food Options   

-          What to do on Weekends

-          Campus Map/Bus Maps






Floor Specific - (Resident Assistants will partner with their residents in the creation of these floor visuals)

-          Student Initiated Boards

-          Student Initiative Fund (Office of Residence Life)

-          Birthday Boards

-          Floor Successes

-          Floor Programs

-          Floor Committees

-          Floor Goals

-          Floor Facts

-          Floor Quotes

-          Floor Memories

Holiday Boards - (A variety of current recourses will be used, Resident Assistants will work with their Hall Director and Complex Coordinator for advance approval)

-          Halloween

-          Thanksgiving

-          Winter holidays

-          Valentine’s Day

-          Memorial Day

-          Veterans Day

-          St. Patrick’s Day

Guided/ Interactive Boards - (A variety of current recourses will be used, Resident Assistants will work with their Hall Director and Complex Coordinator for advance approval)

-          Question of the Month

-          Best Food On-Campus / Newark

-          Best Place to Study on/ Off-Campus

-          Service Initiatives

-          Travel Boards (Favorite Places, Hometowns, etc)

-          Semester Goals