Faculty Appointments and Conditions of Employment

Academic Leave of Absence for One or More Semesters: Sabbatical Leave


Application Procedure, 3rd Paragraph:


The department chair, in consultation with the an appropriate committee, will evaluate the proposal and will indicate to the dean, the rating of the project and the manner proposed to absorb or fill the vacancy thus created., if approved. The dean, if approving in turn, will establish priorities and where required make budgetary recommendations to the Provost. The Provost will study all aspects of the recommendations and make the final determination concerning the leave and copy the Provost. The applicant shall be notified of the action of each of the three at each levels of administrative review. Any exceptions concerning the terms and conditions of a sabbatical leave require the approval of the Provost at the time of that action.

Faculty Appointments and Conditions of Employment

Academic Leave of Absence for One or More Semesters:
Research/Scholarship Semester for Tenure-track Assistant Professors


Fourth/Fifth Paragraph:


Approval of each application requires the positive recommendation of the Chair and the Dean, and the approval of a copy sent to the Provost. Any exceptions to the policy require the approval of the Provost. The Department and College will be responsible for meeting the instructional needs from which each Assistant Professor is released from their own resources. A Pproposal may be rejected if the Department and College are unable to otherwise meet the instructional needs from which the Assistant Professor is to be released.