WHEREAS,         the Faculty Handbook and the bylaws and promotion and tenure documents of departments and schools contain extensive provisions for the appointment and reappointment of tenured, tenure-track, and continuing non-tenure track faculty and for the periodic review of the teaching done by them, but currently many departments and schools lack written policies for the appointment and reappointment of Supplemental Contract instructors and other temporary faculty who may be repeatedly reappointed, or for the periodic review of the teaching done by them, be it therefore


RESOLVED,        that by June 1, 2014, each department or school must have a written policy, approved by a majority of its full-time voting faculty and by the University Faculty Senate's Coordinating Committee on Education, which describes its procedures for appointing and reappointing Supplemental Contract instructors and other temporary faculty.  The procedures for reappointment must include provisions for periodic review by a committee composed of full-time voting faculty, at least as often as every third year, of a dossier of teaching materials, such as syllabi, homework assignments, quizzes, examinations, term papers, projects, and other materials used in the grading of the students, as well as the grade distributions in the courses and the comments made by the students.