Resolution for Provisional Approval to Establish a New M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology



WHEREAS,   on April 8, 2013 the Faculty Senate approved the curriculum for a new M.A. in speech-language pathology but postponed the establishment of the program until “likely sources and amounts of full financial support for the first several years of operation of this program have been specified by the Dean of the College of Health Sciences,” and


WHEREAS,   the College of Health Sciences has received an allocation of $1MM from the Delaware state legislature over FY13 and 14 for planning and establishing this program, and


WHEREAS,   Dean Kathy Matt has verified that College of Health Sciences financial reserves, in conjunction with funding from the state, are now sufficient to fully cover the projected costs of supporting this program for the first several years of operation, after which it is projected to be self-supporting, and


WHEREAS,   the proposed program will contribute to the University's "Path to Prominence"goal to become a premier research and graduate university; be it therefore


RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate recommends provisional approval of the 
establishment of a new M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology.