Current POSE (PhD)


New POSE (PhD)










Required Courses: (28 credits)


Required Courses: (34 credits)




MEEG 690 (3)


MEEG 690 (3)




Intermediate Engineering Mathematics


Intermediate Engineering Mathematics










MAST 693 (3)


MAST 693 (3)




Waves in the Marine Environment


Waves in the Marine Environment










MAST 691 (3)


MAST 691 (3)




Ocean Fluid Dynamics


Ocean Fluid Dynamics










MAST 882 (1)


MAST 882 (1)




POSE Seminar


POSE Seminar










MAST 800 (3)


MAST 800 (3)




Dynamical Physical Oceanography


Dynamical Physical Oceanography










MEEG 864 (3)


MEEG 864 (3)




Engineering Analysis II


Engineering Analysis II










(3) outside home program


MAST 811 (3)




(9) dissertation research


Time Series Analysis












(3) modeling course requirement**






(3) outside home program






(9) dissertation research












**One 3 credit appropriate modeling course to be determined by the student in consultation with his/her advisor or advisory committee