
Hi Fred,
 I am just checking in with you regarding the revisions to the Health Behavior Science Program and the HLPR prefix for HLPR430.
 In response to the UGS's concerns is there anything else that I need to complete? Do I need to make changes to the Health Behavior Science proposal or the course proposal? Please let me know so I can get them completed in a timely fashion if needed.


On 2/10/2012 12:33 PM, Fred Hofstetter wrote:

Thank you Beth,

Just one more question please. Where did the HLPR prefix originate? Why was it created, and what is the rationale used to decide whether a course gets an HLPR prefix? That is really want UGS wants to know regarding HLPR.

Standing by,

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Elizabeth Orsega-Smith <> wrote:

Hi Fred,
  We modeled how we worded the additional breadth requirements based on successfully approved changes in Med Tech  & Nursing to keep the wording  consistent within the college. That was the rationale behind the wording. See the following links to the Online Catalog:

Nursing lists additional breadth requirements:


Med Tech lists additional breadth requirements (scroll down)

Please let me know if it still requires a change in the Health Behavior Science Proposal.

As for the HLPR prefix, this was to keep it consistent with the graduate level course of HLPR 630 . This course is dual taught and we wanted to keep the prefix the same for the courses. There are currently several undergraduate HLPR courses in our department  so we thought this would be OK. However, if the committee would like to see a change, we can do so .


Beth Orsega-Smith

On 2/8/2012 6:31 PM, Fred Hofstetter wrote:

Dear Elizabeth,


UGS met and reviewed your proposal to revise the major requirements for Health Behavior Science. We found it confusing how you categorized "additional breadth." We suggest that those requirements should go in as departmental requirements, not "additional breadth."


Also, UGS wanted me to ask you about the HLPR course prefix. When did that prefix begin, and what courses is it used for? Also, what is the rationale for having that different prefix for just a few courses? I'm sure you have a logical explanation for it; understand that UGS simply wants to know.


Please forward your revised proposal to Karren to put onto the next UGS meeting agenda two weeks from now.


All the best,



Fred T. Hofstetter

UGS Chair


Elizabeth Orsega-Smith, PhD
Associate Professor
Health Behavior Sciences
Department of Behavioral Health and Nutrition
9 Carpenter Sports Building
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716