----- Original Message -----
From: Hall, Susan J.
To: Beth Morling <morling@psych.udel.edu>
Cc: Matt, Kathleen S.; Apple, Thomas M.; pmpeter@udel.edu <pmpeter@udel.edu>; karren@udel.edu <karren@udel.edu>
Sent: Thu Jan 21 16:34:16 2010
Subject: RE: Deleting the Health and Phys-Ed major:  Note from the University Undergraduate Studies Committee

Hi Beth--please see my responses to your questions below.

Susan J. Hall, Ph.D., FACSM
Professor and Department Chair
University of Delaware
Health, Nutrition & Exercise Sciences
150 Human Performance Lab
541 S. College Avenue
Newark, Delaware 19716
(302) 831-4909
(302) 831-3693 (fax)

From: Beth Morling [morling@psych.udel.edu]
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 3:07 PM
To: Hall, Susan J.
Cc: Karren Helsel-Spry
Subject: RE: Deleting the Health and Phys-Ed major:  Note from the University Undergraduate Studies Committee


Hi Susan,
I am SO sorry to bother you again with this issue, but in talking with various committee members about your proposal to delete the HPE major, someone asked me to ask you three questions:

1.  Did the faculty members of the department of Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences take a vote on the elimination of this major?  (If so, did you record the results of the vote?)

Our department protocol involves channeling curriculum proposals through our department Undergraduate Studies Committee but does not include a vote of the full faculty. In this case, I was advised by the dean's office not to run the proposal through the department UGS committee, because it would constitute a conflict of interest. I did inform the chair of the UGS committee that the proposal was being advanced.

2.  Did the faculty of the College of Health Sciences take a vote on the issue at any point?

The college curriculum committee approved the proposal with a unanimous vote. College protocol does not involve a vote of the full college faculty.

3.  Finally, can you tell us where the proposal originated?  Was it initiated at the Dean's level, the department level, or what?  (I cannot tell from the routing form or from the proposal itself...forgive me if it's in there and I missed it!)

We view the elimination of a major as a dean's level decision. This proposal was initially formulated while Steven Stanhope was Interim Dean. Current Dean Kathy Matt and Provost Tom Apple reviewed the proposal and approved it before it was advanced in final written form.

Again, I do appreciate your research on these questions.


Beth Morling, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
of Delaware
Newark, DE  19716

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