Health Studies
 Occupational Therapy


Freshman Year

Freshman Year



HESC 155 (3) Personal Health Mgmt

HESC 155 (3) Personal Health Mgmt & FYE

BISC 207 (4) Intro Biology

BISC 207 (4) Intro. Biology I

CHEM 103 (4) General Chem

CHEM 103 (4) General Chem I

PSYC 100  (3) General Psychology

PSYC 100 (3) General Psychology



ENGL 110 (3) Critical Read & Writing

ENGL 110 (3) Critical Read & Writing

BISC 208 (4) Intro Biol II

BISC 208 (4) Intro Biol II

CHEM 104 (4) General Chem II

CHEM 104 (4) General Chem II

100 level or higher MATH-Cal?

MATH 221 (3) Calculus

HESC 210 (3) Emerg Mngmt of Injuries/Illnesses

HESC 210 (3) Emerg Mngmt of Injuries/Illnesses

31 Credits

31 Credits

Sophomore Year

Sophomore Year



BISC 276 (4) Human Physiology

BISC 276 (4) Human Physiology

PSYC 334 (3) Abnormal Psychology

PSYC 334 (3) Abnormal Psychology

PHIL 241(3) Ethical Issues In Healthcare

PHIL 241, PHIL 202 or PHIL 203 (3)

HESC 350 (3) Basic Concepts in Kinesiology

HESC 350 (3) Basic Concepts in Kinesiology

Foreign Lang (3)/Comm (4)

Foreign Lang (3)/Comm (4)



HESC 220 (3) Anatomy & Physiology

HESC 220 (3) Anatomy & Physiology

STAT 200 (3) Intro. Statistics

STAT 200 (3) Intro. Statistics

NTDT200 (3) Nutrition Concepts

NTDT200 (3) Nutrition Concepts

Humanities (3) (MC)

Humanities (3) (MC)

HESC 305 (3) Fundamentals of Athletic Train.

HESC 305 (3) Fundamentals of Athletic Train.

31/32 Credits

31/32 Credits

Junior Year

Junior Year



HESC 400 (3) Research Methods

HESC 400 (3) Research Methods

NTDT 305 (3) Nutrition in the Lifespan

HESC 430/431(4) Physiology of Activity Lab

Humanities (3)

Humanities (3)

SOCI 201 (3) Intro to Sociology

SOCI 201 (3) Intro to Sociology



HESC 425 (4) Biomechanics of Human Motion-

HESC 425(4) Biomechanics of Human Motion

IFST 201 (3) Lifespan Development

IFST 201 (3) Lifespan Development

Multicultural, Ethnic/or Gender Related (3)

Humanities (3)

English Writing (3)

English Writing (3)

NTDT 310 (3) Nutrition & Activity

NTDT 305/NTDT310 Nutrition in the Lifespan (3)/

Nutrition & Activity (3)

28 Credits

29 Credits


90/91 Credits



91/92 Credits



**Need combination of 29/30 credits to complete Senior Year




 MEDT 375 (2) Clinical Lab Principles and Statistics (Fall)

OT 302 Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology (4)


OT 311 Pathological Conditions (4)


OT 321 Foundations of Occupation-Centered Practice I(1)


OT 336 Occupation as a Life Organizer (3)


OT 340 Domains of Occupational Therapy Practice-Fieldwork Level 1 (1)


CMST 101 or CMST 201 Computer Competency Requirement (3)



MEDT 210 (2) Information Technology & Communication Skills (Spring)

OT 308 Concepts in Neurodevelopment (Lec/Lab)(4)


OT 322 Foundations of Occupation-Cent PracticeII(1)


OT337 Occupation as a Life Organizer Laboratory (1)


OT341 Occupational Analysis and Evaluation-Fieldwork Level 1(1)


OT353 Development of Human Competence (3)


OT357 Evaluation Process (3)


OT577 Historical Perspectives on Theory-Based Practice In Occupational Therapy (3)-Graduate level

29/30 Credits Required for Senior Year

32 Credits (Including graduate level course)




HLTH 495 (6) Capstone Health Studies Practicum

NURS 411 (3) Topics (Spring/Fall)

MEDT 100 (1) OR NURS 100 (1)   (Fall/Spring)

2 Electives (6)

CNST 404 (3) Leadership in Organizations (Fall/Spring)


HESC422 (3) Organization and Administration of Leisure Services (Fall)

Choice of ONE of the following:

HESC 200 (3) Issues in Health Behavior Management (Fall)

HESC 300 (3) Issues in Physical Activity Studies (Spring)

HESC329 (3) Dynamics of Team Problem Solving (Spring)

A Total of 120 Credits Needed to Graduate
