From: Geerts, Guido
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 9:57 AM
To: Laws, Donna
Cc: Nelson, Robert
Subject: RE: HRIM Requirements


Dear Dr. Nelson,



The Department of Accounting and MIS is pleased to support the proposed changes to the HRIM curriculum. We look forward to seeing HRIM students in our ACCT207 classes.




Dr. Guido L. Geerts

Professor and Chair

Department of Accounting and MIS

Lerner College of Business and Economics

Purnell Hall 226

Phone:  302-831-6413




From: Laws, Donna
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 1:38 PM
To: Geerts, Guido
Subject: HRIM Requirements


Dear Dr. Geerts:


The HRIM faculty voted to change the HRIM curriculum, which was supported by Dean Gempesaw.  As part of the revisions, the faculty decided to include ACCT207 instead of ACCT200 in the HRIM requirements.  We plan to send the new curriculum forward this Fall 2009.  I have attached a copy of the current curriculum and the proposed curriculum for your reference. 


We are asking for support of this ACCT curriculum change.  Please call me if you have any questions.  Thank you.




Donna Laws
Assistant to the Chair
Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management
University of Delaware
14 W. Main Street, Raub Hall
Newark, DE  19716
(302) 831-6747 - phone
(302) 831-6395 - fax