The MA degree in Economic Education is designed solely for students who do not complete the PhD in Economic Education.  No students are admitted directly to the MA program.

Degree Requirements:   Students complete course work in three broad areas:  1) Core Economic Theory and Methods; 2) Field in Economic Education; 3) Concentration in Education.  The specific requirements are:

ECONOMICS (REQUIRED CORE COURSES):                                                             Credits

                ECON801             Microeconomic Theory                                                                                 3
                ECON802             Macroeconomic Theory                                                                3
                ECON822             Econometric Theory                                                                       3 
                ECON823             Seminar in Econometrics                                                             3


ECON820             Economics of Education Policy                                                  3
ECON829             Workshop in Economic Education Curricula                         2
ECON868           Research Paper                                                                                   3


EDUC805 & 806     Proseminar I and II                                                                      8
EDUC840                 Colloquium (2 terms)                                                                 2                             

                TOTAL REQUIRED CREDITS                                                                                            30

Students must pass all required exams in Economics, including mathematical proficiency, comprehensive exams in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and in the major field of study (Economic Education). Students who receive an A or an A- in ECON 801 are exempt from the Microeconomics section of the Comprehensive Exam. Students who receive an A or an A- in ECON 802 are exempt from the Macroeconomics section of the Comprehensive Exam. The comprehensive examinations will typically be taken in the semester after all coursework has been completed. All students must register for and attend ECON890 (weekly department seminar) in two semesters and meet established course requirements

Admissions Policies:  No students will be admitted directly into the MA program in Economic Education.  It is designed solely to provide an appropriate exit degree for students who are unable to complete the PhD in Economic Education for extenuating personal reasons.

Graduate Program Faculty: The graduate program faculty includes all full-time Department of Economics faculty of the rank of assistant professor or above. Part-time faculty may be included at the discretion of the Chair.

Requirements for Graduation: Students must meet the University’s full-time residence requirement of at least one continuous academic year consisting of at least nine credits per semester and must complete their degree within the time limit established by the University. The Office of Graduate Studies provides guidelines governing a possible extension of the time limit for circumstances beyond a student’s control.

Based on a 4.0 system, the student must achieve a grade point average of 3.0 averaged over 30 credits of graduate courses (see course requirements above). The time limit is 10 consecutive semesters, to be extended in special circumstances at the discretion of the Administration Officer. Students must pass the written comprehensive exam, usually given in January and June of each year.      

Program Administration:  The PhD and MA program in Economic Education are administered by the Graduate Program Committee, a standing committee of the Department of Economics.  The Director of the Graduate Program is the chair of the committee.  Other committee members are chosen on an annual basis by the department chair in consultation with the Director of the Graduate Program.  If feasible, the Graduate Program Committee will include a representative of the Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship.