-----Original Message-----
From: Errol Lloyd [mailto:elloyd@UDel.Edu]
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 8:52 PM
To: Geerts, Guido L
Cc: 'elloyd@cis.udel.edu'
Subject: Re: GET MINOR

Dear Dr.

Yes, this proposal has the full support of the CIS department.  We
believe that the GET minor will be of interest to a number of CIS
students, and we welcome being able to participate in the minor.

Errol Lloyd
Professor and Chair, CIS

PS I am out of town this week.  If you need a formal hard copy letter,
let me know and I will get it out to you sometime next week.

> November 29, 2010
> To:  Dr. Errol L. Lloyd, Professor and Department Chair, Department of

> Computer and Information Sciences
> RE: GET Minor
> Dear Dr. Lloyd,
> The Department of Accounting and MIS plans to submit a proposal for a
> new
> minor: the Global Enterprise Technologies or GET Minor. The planned
> curriculum is attached for your review.  The GET Minor includes three
> optional computer science classes: CISC437 (database systems), CISC475

> (advanced software engineering), and CISC483 (introduction to data
> mining). The three optional classes will make the program more
> accessible to computer science majors. Please let me know if this
> meets with your approval.  Thank you for your consideration.
> Regards,
> Dr. Guido L. Geerts
> Chair, Department of Accounting and MIS Lerner College of Business and

> Economics Purnell Hall 206
> Phone:  302-831-6413
> E-mail:  geerts@udel.edu