Review of the Permanent Status Request

BS in Psychology


Steven E. Hastings, Professor and Associate Chair – Food and Resource Economics

Roberta Golinkoff, Professor – School of Education


March 15, 2013


In our opinion, the Permanent Status Report for this new major in the Department of Psychology makes an excellent case for the major to be approved.



Specifically, the Report documents that:


·         The major is consistent the University’s Path to Prominence plan.

·         The major is meeting the General Education Goals of the University.

·         The major has demonstrated that is meeting its stated goals and objectives.

·         The major is attracting high quality students (more than were anticipated).

·         The major has excellent interdisciplinary content with Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Neuroscience.

·         The majors are graduating and many (50% in 2012) are continuing at high quality graduate schools or employed in labs (as indicated by the information provided). 

·         Current laboratory facilities are adequate at this time.

·         No significant additional resources are required to support this major.

·         Related and affected Departments have provided letters of support for the major. 

·         The program is consistent with the guidelines of the American Psychological Association and other psychology programs nationally.


In summary, we believe the major should be granted Permanent Status.