Yes, This is fine with us!! I
assume you have talked to Patricia about
it. Karen
On Thu,
> Hi Karen,
> Forgive the last minute request, but I am in the process of submitting
> changes to the Asian Studies major. One of the changes is to add an
> ANTH course (ANTH 310) to the ANTH requirement (currently that req can be
> fulfilled only with ANTH 210 and 211). The addition of ANTH 310
ease the pressure on ANTH 210 and 211, allowing greater flexibility, I think,
for both ANTH and Asian Studies.
>If you are okay with that, would you shoot me an email saying so?
> and sorry again for the late notice.
> Best wishes,
> Alice
Alice D. Ba
Director, Asian Studies
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Political Science & International Relations
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716 USA
Phone: 302 831-1937 / Fax: 302 831-4452
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