From: David C. Usher [mailto:dusher@UDel.Edu]
Thursday, March 01, 2012 4:20 PM
To: Kniel, Kali
Cc: Randall Duncan; ''
Subject: RE: Proposed changes to ANFS



   I don’t recall getting this from Dave.  However, as a letter of support must come from the Chair, he may have forwarded on to him.  I see one problem, which you could not have been aware. In the fall we making changes to BISC207. We will no longer accept as a co-requisite CHEM101; it will only be CHEM103. Also we plan to create a new one semester Introductory Biology course, BISC205, specifically designed for Nursing students. This course will be an acceptable prerequisite for BISC276 and BISC300, but its corequisite will be either CHEM101, CHEM105, or CHEM103. Thus if you leave your course requirements as they are now, next year when and if our course changes are approved, you will have put through changes again.

   Both Dave Smith and I have reviewed the changes you have made and they are acceptable to the Biology Department. I’m advising our Chair to write you a letter of support.





From: Kniel, Kali [mailto:kniel@UDel.Edu]
Thursday, March 01, 2012 3:53 PM
Subject: FW: Proposed changes to ANFS


Good afternoon David,

I believe you received the proposed change sto the Animal and Food Sciences curriculum from Dave Smith in January. Could you please let me know if you will approve these changes. I don’t believe we will be sending many more students your way. The majority of students within our department currently take BISC 300. While many students will opt to take one of the ANFS physiology course or BISC 306, which was already in the curriculum having BISC 276 and BISC 300 as options are really valuable courses for our students.


Thank you so much for your consideration of this request. I look forward to hearing back from you.







Kalmia E. Kniel, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Microbial Food Safety

Assistant Chair, Department of Animal and Food Sciences

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources


University of Delaware

531 S College Ave, 044 Townsend Hall

Newark, DE 19716





From: David W. Smith [mailto:dwsmith@UDel.Edu]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 4:21 PM
To: Kniel, Kali
Cc: 'Fred Hofstetter'
Subject: RE: Proposed changes to ANFS




I am passing your message along to Dr. David Usher, who is the Associate Chair in Biology.  This is the sort of question, namely committing spaces for students in other majors, that follows under his responsibility.





Dr. David W. Smith

Undergraduate Program Director

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Delaware



From: Kniel, Kali [mailto:kniel@UDel.Edu]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 4:11 PM
Cc: Kniel, Kali; Fred Hofstetter (fth@UDel.Edu)
Subject: Proposed changes to ANFS


Good afternoon Dave,


As the undergraduate coordinator for the Department of Animal and Food Sciences I would like to propose some changes to our major in Animal and Food Sciences (ANFS). I don’t believe this will effect a lot of students, and will not change our numbers in your BISC courses, but I need to check with you anyway.  The proposed changes to the Animal and Food Sciences major will allow greater flexibility of this major so that some students interested in Food Science can be an ANFS major to allow some flexibility in their scheduling. One change is that currently the ANFS major does not require BISC 300 while all of our Food Science major (FOSC) students already take this course. I don’t think this will increase the number of students that take this course, just the same number taking it spread over two majors now.  An additional change we would like to make to the ANFS major is to add that BISC 276 may be taken as an optional course in what we call a “physiology area”. This is a great course already taken as an elective by many Pre-Veterinary and Animal Biosciences major (PVAB) students. Again we don’t believe this will be additional students, just spread over different majors.


Please see the two attachments for additional information or I would be happy to talk to you any time.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Your time and effort are certainly appreciated.




Kalmia E. Kniel, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Microbial Food Safety

Assistant Chair, Department of Animal and Food Sciences

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources


University of Delaware

531 S College Ave, 044 Townsend Hall

Newark, DE 19716
