April 17, 2008

University Senate Coordinating Committee Report

Prepared By:    Amy N. Johnson, PhD, RNC

                        Chair, Coordinating Committee on Education

Committee Members include Havidán Rodríguez, Chuck Mason, John Madsen, Belinda Orzada, Cihan Cobanoglu, George Conrade, Tom Johnston, Raymond Wolters, and students Kristen Briem (graduate) and Ashley Benanti (undergraduate), and Karren Helsel-Spry.

The Coordinating Committee on Education met monthly, approved, and sent forward to Senate two resolutions for permanent status degrees, fifteen resolutions for provisional status degrees, and three resolutions to close degrees.  In addition, the Committee approved over 63 curriculum proposals from Graduate and Undergraduate Committees. 

The proposed University Mission Statement was supported by the Committee with minor edits and sent forward to the Executive Committee and then to the Senate.

The resolution by the General Education Committee on the Discovery Learning Experience (DLE) requirements was supported by the Committee and sent forward to the Senate Faculty.

The Coordinating Committee on Education met three times to discuss the Breadth Requirements motion from the floor of the Senate.  An Ad Hoc Committee with members representing all Colleges was formed with a charge to provide specific, concrete recommendations on implementing breadth requirements to the Senate at the December 2008 meeting.  In the interim, new proposals submitted with breadth considerations will be worked on immediately following the Senate decision in December and January.

The Committee held an open hearing for a new M.S. in Bioresources Engineering proposal from the College of Agriculture.